Shawn Casey Coaching & Consulting

My Musings on Medium
Updated Occasionally


August 2018

The Real Reason to Have a Healthy Routine

For many of us, adhering to a healthy routine may feel like a chore. A thing we have to do instead of something we want to do. We build our routines on a shaky foundation of “shoulds” and “have-to’s” (I should go to bed early, I have to eat better) that eventually crumble under fleeting motivation.


July 2018 

Three Ways to Build Inner Confidence that Lasts

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with a well-respected and highly intuitive figure in my field. We spent an hour talking about personal dramas and future dreams and he gave me a heap of encouragement with just enough push in the right direction. It was a helpful conversation — validating and reassuring.

However, in the days following, reassurance devolved into self-doubt and anxious questioning (as it DOES).


June 2018

What To Do With Those Post-Travel Blues  

I had just had the privilege of spending two weeks stomping around Europe with my husband on what I would consider the trip of a lifetime. A full fourteen days of glorious freedom — promptly followed by a sinking dread as I boarded the plane back to Oakland.

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April 2018

Do You Know the Devil on Your Shoulder? 

Sometimes I wonder if all wellness professionals live perfectly healthy lives, free of cravings and vices and all of the “bad” things you’re not supposed to do.



March 2018

To Grow, Let Go of Your Identities

To know your identities,(“I’m not good with numbers” or “I’m an unlucky person”), is to know how you will show up in the world. Your behavior is a direct reflection of what you believe yourself to be.

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February 2018

When "Self-Help" is Actually Self-Harm

I have been exploring (for many years, with the help of a teacher) the concept that everything you need already resides within — it’s just that we’ve been disconnected from this truth and distracted by the pushes and pulls of the external world. The goal is to recalibrate, recognize, and reconnect.


JAnuary 2018

What if Five Minutes Changed the Course of Your Year? 


December 2017 

How to Avoid a Holiday Meltdown

